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How to generate MySQL (backup) dump from the command line in Windows VPS? Print

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This article will assist you how to generate MySQL (backup) dump from the Command line in the Windows VPS.

Mysqldump is an easy and quick tool to create a backup of MySQL databases. It creates a dump file of MySQL databases containing SQL commands to recreate the database at the destination MySQL server. It allows you to backup a single database and multiple databases as well.

It is a part of the MySQL relational database package that allows you to "dump" a database, or a collection of databases, for backup or transferral to another SQL server. 

How to use the mysqldump utility to create a backup of your database?


  1. Open a Windows command prompt from your VPS.
  2. Click Start -> Run.
  3. Enter “cmd” into the dialog box and click the “OK” button.
  4. Change the directory to the following to access the mysqldump utility.
    cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin
  5. Create a dump of your current MySQL database.
  6. Run the mysqldump.exe program using the following arguments:
    mysqldump.exe –e –u[username] -p[password] -h[hostname] [database name] > C:\[filename].sql

If you supplied all the arguments correctly, it will connect to your current MySQL server and create a dump of your whole database in the directory you specified.

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